This business can be started and operated within the comforts of
home surroundings. You can start on a sturdy table or solid
work bench in a small storage area, such as your garage, shed or
basement; even a small room can be devoted toward this purpose.
If you are handy with tools you could be on your way to a nice
sideline business that could grow with time. Many wood
mouldings can be bought at reasonable cost from lumber yards and
can be used as the basic product for manufacturing frames.
Everyone has photos and prized possessions which need framing.
Many people don't like the plastic frames found in stores today,
thus creating a ready market for beautiful, natural wood frames.
Quite often you can find old, beautiful, rugged picture frames
at rummage or garage sales. They can be repaired and cut down
to today's standards. Good frames can add substantially to the
value of art, paintings, posters, certificates, etc. The list
is endless. No matter where you live you can start a picture
framing business. To some, it can be an exciting and
fascinating trade.
With just a little experience and proper tools you can also
learn to cut your own glass for the frames.
You local library may be a great source of information on the
subject. Also, in the various mailorder magazines you will find
firms that offer free information on custom picture framing.
Check out your local variety stores and others that handle
picture frames and get ideas from what they have to offer.
There are many variations and you may be able to dream up
different and better designs.
The frames may be sold locally or through the mail, and maybe
even get you out of the everyday "rat race"!
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