Friday, December 7, 2007




When Ronald Reagan took the oath of office for the

Presidency in January of 1981, one of his earliest pledges

was to make life a little easier for the small business

person. Reagan believed that America was founded on the

backs of intrepid folks who took a chance and gambled

everything they had on a chance to start fresh. Small

business today was the embodiment of that idea.

Less regulation and lower taxes during the former

California governor's first term in office sent the number

of small business formations skyward and the industry,

despite increased taxes and regulation, has never looked

back. Today, as much as ever, there are outstanding

opportunities in the small business market.

Think about it. Big business puts out a controlled product

that appeals to the masses. Selling nationwide, there

isn't much attention paid to particular regional

differences. Small business fills this void. It's not

necessary in an environment of lower overhead and more

flexibility to have a product that necessarily appeals to

the masses. You might produce, out of your own home, T-

shirts and apparel with local slogans and insignia on them.

This product will likely appeal to the locals and certainly

may have some fascination for tourists, too. It's not

something a major company is likely to fashion because of

its limited audience attraction. But you don't need to

sell as many units to operate a successful small business.

There are numerous examples of small businesses having

local flavor that become an overnight sensation nationally.

Ben and Jerry's ice cream was a Vermont tradition that

suddenly caught on big everywhere. Numerous franchises and

grocery distribution outlets later, the original owners are

ready to cash in -- big time!

Perhaps you have that kind of ambition. It may be that

your idea for a home-based business may have a national

market. It's wiser to start smaller if you don't have a

lot of initial capital. If you have access to capital,

that's a different story. Wayne Huzienga, owner of the

Blockbuster video stores, borrowed heavily to finance his

outlets. The first store didn't make any money. But he

believed in his idea -- to have numerous video copies

available for two or three nights at a time. He thought

people would pay a little more for this kind of

convenience. The first ten stores didn't make any money.

Neither did the first 100 stores. But Huzienga knew

Americans. Suddenly the profits started to come and

Blockbuster has developed into a commercial trademark for

most shopping outlets in this country.

But you don't have to make it that big to be a financial

success. You can make thousands of dollars a week from

our own home without having to invest that much capital in

the business start-up.


Most Americans dream of being their own boss. This is true

for many reasons. First, America has that kind of promise.

If you play by the rules, there is virtually nothing you

can't accomplish. Just ask any number of Korean and

Vietnamese immigrants who fled their countries to come here

and start up their own businesses. They are truly a late

20th Century success story in this country.

Second, it's not often that much fun working for someone

else. There are plenty of rules to follow. There are

specific hours to be in the office. There are specific

sales goals that must be met. And on and on. Your own

business isn't going to be a vacation, but when you go in

early and stay late, you're doing it for you; not the

person who signs your paycheck.

Third, the control of running your own business is both

exciting and, at times, overwhelming. Responsibility is at

your feet. There is no one to pass the blame off to, but

small business owners wouldn't have it any other way. They

take a chance every day by running their own shop. Yet

many wouldn't trade it for working for someone else again

if they can possibly help it. The risks are great, but the

rewards can be greater.

There are many sad stories around this country about people

who dreamed big, who had a good idea, but who couldn't

summon up the courage to take it any further than their own

thoughts. Afraid to take a chance, they passed up the

risks and the rewards of striking out on their own. At the

end of their lives is always that doubt, always that

wonder, always that speculation, about what their lives

would have been like if they'd only taken that one chance.

The independence that comes with being your own boss also

calls for a rigid discipline on your part. Because you are

the one setting your own hours, there is no one to tell you

what time to start, what time to knock off, what time to

take lunch, how much work must be accomplished each and

every day. This is the drill you must teach yourself. You

have to set your own goals and objectives, financial and

otherwise. You'll have to analyze your market, what you

will produce, how much it will cost to produce, who you

will distribute the product to and how much you will


You will also know what your profit margin will be on each

unit. Knowing that, and how long it takes to produce one

unit, will help you to set up your work schedule. It might

be ten to twelve hours a day to start, much longer than you

worked for someone else. But instead of a paycheck equal

to a small portion of the profit, you'll keep the entire

profit margin for yourself. It's a whole new world!


Layoffs at big business has become a way of life.

Companies are constantly undergoing a reshuffling of the

players and the companies under their umbrella. The

information age produces instant results data, the analysis

of which can be accomplished quickly. Once digested,

companies make moves much earlier than the past. Products

evolve so much faster today and the improvement in

technology can mean the need for less human involvement.

But technology has a bright side. Computers, fax machines,

modems and telephone answering machines have evolved to

reasonably priced equipment which, when set up in your own

home, can make you an instant player in whatever field you

choose to work. The future of America may well be in

people working at home and communicating with each other

through increasingly sophisticated equipment.

Let's say you work for ABC Company, a large firm that is

undergoing its ninth rightsizing move of the year. This

time around you get the pink slip. Services no longer

needed at the end of the month. Here's two months

severance pay. See you later. It's been a great ten


This is not uncommon today. There have been thousands of

layoffs at the Fortune 500 level in the last decade. But

unemployment has not changed that dramatically! Why?

Where are these people going? Why aren't more of them

filing unemployment claims, especially as Congress made

several efforts to extend benefits to the unemployed?

Some of these people were able to find full-time work

relatively quickly. Still others took the severance

package and simply retired, being eligible (or close to it)

for Social Security and perhaps a pension benefit. Many of

these individuals became a part of what has come to be

called the contingent workforce.

The contingent workforce consists of temporary, part-time,

contract and leased employees along with people who simply

decided the time was never better to start their own

business. This is the group that doesn't have a true

employer-employee relationship, yet are working and often

making more money than their full-time labors yielded in

the past.

Not everyone likes it. But the chance to be your own boss

has appealed to many Americans, those with that true early

pioneer spirit that former President Reagan spoke

so warmly about during his tenure as the nation's Chief

Executive. Armed with today's technology, many have set up

their own businesses and gone to work -- for themselves!

They've established their own businesses after deciding

what fields they want to go into. It may be the field they

just abruptly left -- or it may be something they've longed

to do for some time. Perhaps it's a hobby they believe can

make it big. Ask Mrs. Fields, whose cookies that pleased

friends and family are now being eaten in nearly every

major airport food court in the country.

Working as a contract or temporary or leased employee gives

you the benefit of a paycheck without much of the stress.

You go home at the end of a day without the same worry you

carried as an employee -- unless stress is just part of

your character! But this isn't the same as working for

yourself as more and more people are finding out.

The downsizing by big business in the last few years has

created the opportunity for many to finally make the big

push -- and start their own company. They are the

President! And V.P., Secretary, Treasurer and all of the

other jobs to start. But there is always light at the end

of the tunnel and if you never take the chance, you could

be another of those sad stories where, in the sunset of

life, you sit and wonder what might have been ...


There is one thing you can count on when you begin your own

business. You won't be bored. There are plenty of details

to accomplish, a number of tasks that await each day. You

won't find yourself looking at the clock much, that's for


What do you do? That's easy! What ideas do you have?

More importantly, what would you like to do? What are your

current interests? What hobbies do you have that you'd

like to work at more and make them pay?

Let's say you have a vivid interest in history. You've

spent a lot of time reading history books. Let's say

you've even specialized and do most of your reading about

the American Civil War. Do you think there might be

something you can do about the Civil War?

Of course there is! If you have a computer and subscribe

to the Internet, why not try polling people via E-Mail

about their interest in a Civil War newsletter that you

will publish monthly -- on line! A substantial interest

will set you to coming up with a subscription price and to

begin enrolling people. If you have enough interest, this

could be your full-time job. You'll spend the month coming

up with the assorted items for the monthly newsletter, from

articles about unusual aspects of the war, to

commemorations of anniversary related events that month to

news about meetings held everywhere for other Civil War

enthusiasts to book reviews of the latest volumes written.

If you have an interest in the Civil War, you'll know that

there isn't any period of history which has generated more

interest and more books about the particulars.

But what if you're not into computers? If it's the Civil

War you're interested in, contact the local universities

and colleges and find out who teaches the subject on their

campus. Contact those individuals first for suggestions.

It could very well be that they long to write their own

book about the Civil War, but don't have the time during

the academic year to do the necessary research to write it

on their summer break. You have the time, though, and they

may be willing to hire you as a researcher for them.

You should also buy any Civil War magazine (current issue

if possible) you can lay your hands on and turn to the

classified sections of their pages. Read everything you

can. There may be direct advertisements needing help or

names and companies with interests in the Civil War whom

you can contact. Find out if there are any local Civil War

Roundtable chapters in your area. Find out if there are

any Sons of Confederate Veterans (or Union) or United

Daughters of the Confederacy (or Union) chapters locally.

Attending those meetings will bring you into contact with a

number of like-minded individuals. Some of these folks

might pay you to write about their ancestors. Or they may

know publishers who specialize in Civil War history that

would be willing to listen to an idea you had for a book.

Or you could contact some local community colleges and out

together your own course on the Civil War and get paid to

teach it.

This is the kind of analysis you need to do with any of

your ideas. Make lists! Put your idea at the top and

think of all the possible connections to it. Leave no idea

out! Nothing should be considered silly or off-limits!

This is your business now! The most obscure contact can

yield the greatest results. Try them all!

This should also serve notice that any idea is possible for

business. If it's something you like to do, why not try

it? Many of these ideas can be followed up on your own

time even while you're still working for someone else.

If you hate the job you're currently in, wouldn't it be

great to work at something you truly love? Especially if

what you love has an interest for others -- enough interest

to have someone put down a few bucks for your product or

service. The Civil War is a great example. People that

have an avid interest in it will shell out a few dollars to

read anything about the subject. The more they read, the

more they want to know. And there are thousands of ideas

that can sustain the same kind of interest!

Securing clients for your service is the key. New

subscribers to a newsletter will more than offset the ones

who, for whatever reason, don't renew. The more new

customers you obtain, the more likely your business will

experience tremendous success.

Prospecting for new clientele is an ongoing process. It

never stops! Some people may not care for that end of the

business, but you'll be different. Why? Because you're

working in your own business, doing what you love to do in

an area that you have a great amount of knowledge and

curiosity in. When you talk about it, there will be no

hiding the fact that you truly believe in your product or

service. Talking about it is fun. Talking about it is

prospecting. Hence, prospecting is fun!

How do you get people to open up today when you're in a

conversation with them? You ask them about a subject you

know they like -- and then let them talk. Prospecting in

your business is going to be much like that. You're going

to feel compelled to talk to people about a subject because

it's your favorite topic. Those that share that interest

are going to like listening -- and talking about it!

They're prospects! They're interested! They're potential


You may choose to advertise your product or service. This

has more start-up costs to it, depending on where you

advertise. Try and be market-specific! In other words,

advertise to an audience most likely to be interested in

your subject matter. For Civil War buffs, there are plenty

of magazines that you can target an audience through

successfully. Advertising the same product or service

through your local newspaper at two or three times the

price makes less sense since it's more money and not as


You can also reach an audience through some type of direct

mail. This also carries a significant expense in terms of

postage costs. Thus you want to be sure that you are

reaching an audience base most likely to respond. This

should be a secondary approach, however. Reaching out via

the phone lines is more cost-effective.

You can start getting news out about your product or

service through your family and friends. They can do a lot

of word of mouth advertising for you. The more people they

talk to, the faster the word about your business gets

around. If you are also prospecting by calling others,

even remote acquaintances, all the better. The more people

that know, the more likely you can get some referrals.

This is the hardest part of the business -- getting enough

people to know about what you're doing. But once you know

how to do it and you've started the machine rolling, this

all becomes easier. You may end up with more clients than

you know what to do with -- a great situation to have!

There are a number of resources out there for you to review

and contact as you get started. The advice and information

you can obtain may help you to avoid some of the more

common mistakes. Every connection you make might lead you

to a nest of prospects. Many of the organizations listed

here can help you focus in on the right direction and save

you time and money pursuing people who have no interest in

what you're doing.



Working From Home, by Paul & Sarah Edwards (Jeremy P.

Tarcher, publisher, 1994)

Making Money With Your Computer At Home, by Paul & Sarah

Edwards (Jeremy P. Tarcher/Perigee, publisher, 1993)

The Work-At-Home Sourcebook, by Lynie Arden (Live Oak

Publications, publisher, 1994)

Homemade Money, by Barbara Brabec (Betterway Books,

publisher, 1994)

Retired? Get Back In The Game! by Jack & Elaine Wyman

(Doer Publications, 1994)

How To Make Money With Your PC! A Guide To Starting and

Running Successful PC-Based Businesses, by Lynn Walford

(Ten Speed Press, 1994)

How To Succeed As An Independent Consultant, by Herman

Holtz (Wiley & Sons, publisher, 1993)

Newsletter: Barbara Brabec's Self-Employment Survival

Letter, bimonthly newsletter, $29/year, P.O. Box 2137,

Naperville, IL. 60567

Newsletter: ReCareering Newsletter, monthly, $55/year,

Publications Plus, 801 Skokie Blvd., Suite 221, Northbrook,

IL. 60062

Audio Tapes: How To Make Money Doing Research With Your

Computer, by Sue Rugge, contact: Here's How, 2607 Second

St., Suite 3, Santa Monica, CA. 90405

Audio Tapes: How To Publish A Profitable Newsletter: The

Reasons and A Roadmap for Getting Into Newsletter

Publishing with your Computer, by J. Norman Goode,

contact: Here's How, 2607 Second Street, Suite 3, Santa

Monica, CA. 90405

Organizations and Associations:

Home-Based Business Tips

[includes a free start-up guide]

Contact: Answer Desk

U.S. Small Business Administration

409 Third Street, SW

Washington, D.C. 20416


Home-Based Manufacturing Operations

Wage and Hour Division

Employment Standards Administration

U.S. Department of Labor

200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room S3516

Washington, D.C. 20210

(202) 219-7043

American Association of

Professional Consultants

9140 Ward Parkway

Kansas City, MO. 64114

(603) 623-5378

American Federation of Small Business

407 S. Dearborn Street

Chicago, IL. 60608

(312) 427-0207

American Home Business Association

397 Post Road

Darien, CT. 06820

(800) 433-6361

American Home Sewing Association

1375 Broadway 4th Floor

New York, NY 10018

(212) 302-2150

The American Society of

Interior Designers

1430 Broadway

New York, NY 10018

(212) 944-9220

Association of Desk-Top

Publishers (AD-TP)

Box 881667

San Diego, CA. 92108-0034

Association of Electronic Cottagers

(accessible on-line through the Working

from Home Forum)

CompuServe Information Service

5000 Arlington Centre Boulevard

Columbus, OH. 45220

(800) 898-8990

Chartered Designers Of America, Inc.

P.O. Box 348

Elmwood Park, N.J. 07407

(201) 794-1133 or (201) 797-0657

Family Firm Institute

P.O. Box 476

Johnstown, NY 12095

(518) 762-3853

International Association of

Independent Publishers

P.O. Box 703

San Francisco, CA. 94101

(415) 922-9490

International Information/Word

Processing Association

1015 N. York Road

Willow Grove, PA. 19090

(215) 657-6300

Mothers Home Business Network

P.O. Box 423

East Meadow, NY 11554

(516) 997-7394

National Association for the

Cottage Industry

P.O. Box 14460

Chicago, IL. 60614

(312) 472-8116

National Association of Desktop

Publishers (NADTP)

P.O. Box 508

Kenmore Station

Boston, MA. 02215

(617) 437-6472

National Association of Entrepreneurial


P.O. Box 700

Aptos, CA. 95001-0700

National Association for the Self-Employed

2324 Gravel Road

Ft. Worth, TX. 76118

(817) 589-2475

National Association of Women Business Owners

600 S. Federal Street Suite 400

Chicago, IL. 60605

National Computer Graphics Association

2722 Merilee Drive Suite 200

Fairfax, VA. 22031

(703) 698-9600

Newsletter Association

1410 Wilson Blvd. Suite 403

Arlington, VA. 22209

(703) 527-2333

Support Services Alliance

P.O. Box 130

Schocharie, NY 12157

(212) 398-7800


There are a few businesses that you can get up and running

quickly if time is of the essence. If you've just lost a

job or you can't take the one you have much longer, here

are a couple of fast start ideas.

1. Private Tutor. To start this business, you would have

to be qualified in at least one academic subject, have some

teaching skills and experience (being a training instructor

could qualify). The subjects usually needing tutoring help

are math, foreign language and any of the sciences. It's

less demanding than full-time teaching and you don't have

to put up with the bureaucracy. It will undoubtedly be

evening and (perhaps) weekend work, but you can charge

anywhere from $25 to $75 per hour depending on the subject.

2. Errand runner/driver. Many businesses today are in

need of a runner to bring material around from place to

place. A company who does a lot of printing may need

constant business to printer assistance. As long as you

have your own car and are a safe driver, you're in

business. You don't need to learn anything about

computers, either. you're simply in business. You will

likely always be on call during the week (maybe Saturdays)

and if you don't like traffic, this could be a problem.

You should be able to canvass local businesses for work and

be paid upwards of $10 per hour. Your auto insurance agent

should be informed of the new use for your car.

3. Computer services for small businesses. You'll need a

computer, laser or bubblejet printer and a fax machine to

offer these services, but many small businesses need the

assistance. It might be in copywriting, mailing programs,

newsletters or maintaining a billing follow-up database.

You can charge from $20 per hour and up depending on the

work. It's easy to get going since you've already got the

computer in your home. Canvass businesses locally for work

after you've devised an attractive flyer listing and

selling your services.

There are other jobs that may require more set-up, but can

fantastic money-making opportunities. Among these are:

1. Tax preparer/bookkeeping services. Being computer

literate will help you handle several dozen clients all at

once. You may need some training if you are not a CPA, but

software programs today make it easier to walk through even

the most complex tax situations. You will be overwhelmed

during the tax season of January to April, but you can

charge from $25 to $50 per hour and make enough during the

first four months of the year to almost get you through the

remaining months.

2. Specialty grower. Let's say you have some land and you

love to garden. You enjoy working outdoors and are tired

of working inside a building for a living. Why not become

a specialty grower? Gourmet stores all over the country

are looking for the unusual in the way of plants and edible

flowers. Herbs are also popular. You can even sell the

crops you grow at the local farmer's market on Saturday

mornings. If you already have the land and the desire to

do this, why wait. Start it part-time if you want, but you

may find dozens of outlets for your goods if they are up to

the test. The risk is bad weather naturally, but it's a

chance worth taking if you love gardening.

3. Cleaning services. You'll need lots of supplies for

this, but commercial building maintenance people are often

on the lookout for good help in this area. You'll need a

lot of cleaning supplies, but if you can handle the evening

hours and can find reliable assistants, this can be a gold

mine business especially if you specialize in the hard-to-

do work like swimming pools, blinds and windows. People

hate to do windows. You can charge per house or, for

commercial buildings, per hour.

4. Massage therapist. If you're good at giving massages,

consider getting a license or certification to be a massage

therapist. Health clubs, running clubs, conventions all

are good candidates for your work. You can earn up to

$100/hour but you have to be in good physical condition.

Arm, hands and back strength are particularly important.

Your hours are your choice!

5. Caterer. If you like to cook, consider the catering

business. If you have a good kitchen set-up and can cook

large volumes well and have a few handy unusual, but tasty

recipes, you can be become a local party favorite. Repeat

business is the name of this game and you can charge per

person for your catered meals or appetizers. Ethnic dishes

are the in thing for parties these days and the more

diversified you are the better.

6. Computer consultant. If you are a programmer, this is

certainly a job that can lend itself to contract labor, run

out of your own home. Competition is heavy, but once you

have a few clients, you will likely make an excellent

living at something you're good at and probably enjoy.

$50/hour is the low starting rate for programmers and you

can charge more based on your expertise and the problem to

be solved. The more diversified your experience, the more

likely the calls coming in for your services. You will

need to stay up on current technology, but most programmers

do this naturally. There are a plethora of magazines and

other publications about the latest and greatest

technology. Canvass local businesses to ascertain their

computer needs. You're only selling your services, so the

cold calling is a low pressure thing. Most businesses have

some complaint about their computer system and are looking

for easy answers from someone that is local and knows what

they're doing. Solid computer expertise is invaluable to

small businesses.

7. Bed-and-breakfast accommodations. Wouldn't it be great

to operate a bed and breakfast in the middle of a territory

that attracts thousands of tourists and other travelers

each year? If you've a knack for hosting people on a full-

time basis and have the house to convert to a couple of

extra bedrooms, you can be in business. It's truly full-

time, even though you're only serving breakfast. There's

laundry to do, there's beds to be made, bathrooms to clean

and reservations to handle, but it can often be done at a

eisurely pace. Room rates are $75 per night and up, so the

money can add up pretty fast. Be careful of burnout,

however, as there are no holidays from this job, unless you

have another person/couple take over for a couple of weeks.

8. Arts & Crafts. If you have a propensity for things

arts and craftsy, you should consider selling your goods

for a living, part or full-time. Have you ever walked

around an art show? There are plenty of these around and

you can get a booth and earn back your expenses for the day

with one sale. If you love to paint, or sculpt, or make

pottery or whatever, there is a lot of potential for you.

You can also starve, too, but you don't start up the

business thinking that. Businesses buy lots of arts and

crafts each year for their firms' decorations or for sales

contest prizes, convention awards and the like. If you are

already doing this, you probably have studio space in your

house plus some supplies to get going. Step it up to the

next level!

There are many other types of home-based opportunities

which may require more specific skills, longer training or

more time to get up and running. They are no less useful,

however. Here are a few ideas for you.

* Accounting/Bookkeeping

Small businesses may be especially reliant on contract help

for this type of work since many of them may not be large

enough to have their own accountant and/or bookkeeper on

staff. Book resource: Establishing An Accounting

Practice. Available from: Bank of America, P.O. Box 3401,

San Francisco, CA. 94137.

* Apiary

Raising bees for honey can be a part-time effort if you

have an interest in this type of activity. This is not a

business for those with no experience in this area, but for

those already doing something along this line, or have a

hobby for it, try ordering the book ABC and XYZ of Bee

Culture from the A.I. Root Library, current edition, Garden

Way Publishing, Charlotte, VT. 05445

* Balloon Rides

Popular in areas where the weather is nice, year-round, hot

air balloon rides are popular gifts for special occasions

like a birthday, anniversary, Valentine's Day and other

holidays. Those of you who are trained aeronauts can step

into a needed void as a pilot for this craft. You can

start as a pilot, perhaps, and then accumulate capital to

invest in your own balloon. Other than advertising and the

cost of the balloons and their upkeep, little else is

required except some wide open spaces.

* Beautician

This is a popular home-based business. An investment in

the essential beautician supplies and chair can get you

started. There is a licensing course that varies by state.

All you need for this, other than the start-up merchandise

is an extra room in the house or a garage. If you're

working for someone now and were wondering how to break

away, it only takes a few dollars and your clientele to

follow you. This happens quite frequently. Book resource:

Start and Run A Profitable Beauty Salon. Author: Paul

Pogue. Available from TAB Books, Blue Ridge Summit, PA.

17214. It's a complete business guide, organized for easy

following of the text.

* Canning

Walk into a country restaurant like the Cracker Barrel and

the first thing you come to is a foyer/waiting area where

there are a variety of goods, including a number of

specialty food items. Pickles, sauces, jellies, many of

them homemade all sit waiting for a buyer. And people will

buy these specialties! Specialty coffee shops and gourmet

stores are always on the lookout for the new treat they can

feature. Why not sell to these stores if you have a talent

for this kind of cooking? You can start out part-time and

see how the demand and the income goes from there. The

next time you're in a specialty food store, ask about their


* Chair Caning

Country styles for homes are as popular as ever and the

ability to cane chairs can bring in a sizable amount of

side income if you have the talent for this type of work.

If you're already doing it as a hobby, you've already

established the necessary work shop, know where to get

materials, etc. The only thing that remains is who to

distribute to, a decision that may involve both private and

public sales. There are locals who would certainly hire

you to handle a chair or two for them personally. There

are also specialty furniture stores and outlets with whom

you can also contract. You'll have to do a little research

on it, but the possibilities are there to expand a hobby

that may already give you many hours of joy. It's time to

cash in on that and get your home-based business off the


* Cheese making

Like making jellies and pickles, the art of cheese making

can also be turned into a tidy profit center for you,

distributing to some of the same chains and specialty food

stores. Cheese has been and will continue to remain a

sought after food. Book resource: Making Homemade Cheeses

And Butter, by Phyllis Hobson, Garden Way Publishing,

Charlotte, VT. 05445.

* Chimney Sweeping

Woodburning stoves and fireplaces are still dominant home

items and the skill of chimney sweeping is a fine one with

a number of business opportunities to choose from in plying

this trade. Very little equipment is necessary and it

won't take long, if you have the ability and liking for

physical labor, to become proficient at this work. Book

resource: Chimneys and Stove Cleaning, Garden Way

Publishing, Charlotte, VT. 05445.

* Consulting

If you've been in a specific field for a length of time,

you've likely built up an arsenal of knowledge about your

subject. The more you know, the more you can offer any

person or firm interested in breaking into, expanding or

becoming more competent in this area. If your name is

recognized, so much the better. Consultants can earn high

hourly fees, expenses paid for. Book resource: Advice --

A High Profit Business, by Herman Holtz, Wiley

Publications, New York.

* Copy Services.

This would obviously require the purchase of a copy

machine, the more versatile the better. You'll be

surprised at the number of individual needs for this

machine. At 7-10 cents a copy, the machine would pay for

itself relatively quickly. Booklets and collating services

for small businesses can be a relatively lucrative


* Floral Arrangements

You don't necessarily have to grow flowers to do this. You

can purchase, make up elaborate flower arrangements and

resell them. Dried arrangements and wreaths are popular in

season. Some advertising and competitive pricing can

generate a substantial workload for you.

* Home maintenance

How many times have you heard that someone is looking for

help to do a few odd jobs around the house. Or for a

painter? Or someone that can do a variety of work from

landscaping to electrical wiring? If you're good at

putting up wallpaper, laying carpet and other assorted

tasks, advertise! The more diverse the skills you

publicize, the better your chances of regular employment.

* Insurance Sales

Many people start off in this field on a part-time basis

until they realize that a few sales a week will triple and

quadruple the income they're used to making. This field is

not for everyone. It requires extraordinary discipline and

a desire to succeed along with the belief that you're

assisting people with their financial goals and objectives.

But if you can handle it, the insurance profession can be

one of the most lucrative for working out of your home.

Overhead is relatively low. You can get licensed through

your state's insurance department, located in your capitol

city. It may require a certain amount of training and

definitely an exam, but once passed, you can seek out

insurance companies who would be glad to work with you.

Think of what your niche market might be. Who are your

natural business associates and friends? These will be

your first potential clients and you might test them by

asking their interest in having you do an analysis of their

financial goals and objectives.

* Kennel operator

If you like animals, this could be a strong home-based

opportunity for you. Pets will always need to be boarded

and, although some capital will be required to set it up,

it can be a lucrative business just for doing what you love

-- taking care of animals!

* Mail-order business

This is a new rage among the home-based opportunity seekers

in this country. You can start your own mail-order

business quite easily and if you advertise in the right

publications, generate an ample amount of business. Book

resource: How To Start and Operate A Mail Order Business,

by Julian L. Simon. Publisher: McGraw Hill, New York,


* Meals for Handicapped

Contact your local social services for the disabled and

elderly to see if there is any openings for someone who can

cook meals out of their house and deliver them. This often

involves a hot meal for lunch and a cold meal for dinner

which is left with the client at the same time. If you

like to cook, this can be another outlet for your talents.

* Music

There are a number of opportunities for those with musical

talent, especially songwriting. There are plenty of great

voices out there, but a dearth of good material to sing.

Some of the better artists along with the up and coming

ones are always on the lookout for new artists adept at

this skill. Book resources: Making Money Making Music (No

Matter Where You Live), by James Dearing, and Song Writer's

Market- current edition, from Writer's Digest Books,

Cincinnati, Ohio 45242.

* Pet breeding

As long as you're considering a kennel career opportunity,

you might think about breeding, an animal specialty that

can earn you many dollars. Breeding can be by specific

request or you can simply breed to produce animals for

local pet shops like hamsters, cats and dogs. This

business can be run in conjunction with the kennel. You

can sell to the pet shops or take your business directly to

the public which can earn you a higher fee, since you don't

have to pay the retailer.

* Real Estate Sales

If you like houses and don't mind working the

evening/weekend hours, this could be a very rewarding

career for you. Sales of houses can make you some large

commissions even for one house. You have to be very

organized and always on the lookout for new listings, but

once you've sold a few houses in an area, word of mouth

will get you your next clients. The real estate market has

been depressed the last few years which creates an

opportunity for those that are adept at selling homes.

Sellers will tend to migrate towards the successful

Realtor. There is a licensing course involved, but you can

take this while you're still working at your old job. Like

insurance, many people start this business part-time, until

they sell their first big house and see how much money they

can make from one sale.

* Rental Property Manager

If you live in a vacation area with a number of condominium

units, you will likely see numerous advertisements for

someone to manage the units for rental. There could be

some small maintenance duties required, too. But

essentially you are collecting rent, advertising for new

renters and managing the properties for the owner(s). It

may well require that you live in the complex, but this can

often be part of the compensation package. What a great

way to live near the beach or in some fantastic resort

spot. This can be the job for those people who have gone

on vacation and wished they didn't have to go back to real


* Repair of Equipment

Every home is equipped today with all the modern

conveniences: television, VCR, stereo, refrigerator,

microwave, stove, dishwasher, etc. All you have to do is

know how to fix these pieces of equipment and you'll have a

new home-based business. This might be combined with the

general all around maintenance business opportunity

mentioned earlier. A skilled repair person is difficult to

find as is the general odd-job fix-it-up person. If you

have any talent in these areas, there are plenty of local

options for you to attract business. People can't do for

long without their conveniences and the demand will be

there for the work. Consumers will bring the appliance

into the repair shop, but in this age of handiness, would

rather have someone come out and repair it -- it's easier!

* Secretarial Services

Small businesses can be counted on to look for help on a

contract basis from someone with specific secretarial

skills. A physician's office may be looking for a medical

records person or an insurance billing clerk on an

independent basis. The entire medical field, in its

movement towards managed care, is looking for simplified

answers to common administration tasks. This isn't the

only industry utilizing outside secretarial services. If

you have the skills and the small capital needed for the

basic equipment, you're in business! Book resource:

Starting Your Own Secretarial Business, by Betty Loogren

and Gloria Shoff. Published by: Contemporary Books,

Chicago, IL. 60601

* Sharpening Services

In many hardware, sewing and fabric stores, you may notice

an advertisement for sharpening services. Scissors and

other craft tools can be sharpened less expensively than

purchasing a new one. Often these businesses contract out

the labor for the service. If you know how to sharpen

these types of objects, perhaps even doing it for yourself

as you knit or make crafts, then you can turn this into a

lucrative side business. All you'll do is call on your

store clients once or twice a week and pick up new work and

drop off completed jobs. It's an unusual, but needed


* Sign Design & Painting

Every where you look across this great country, you'll find

-- signs! Homes, businesses and individuals are all sign

candidates. Advertising for and specializing in all type

of sings, banners and, if you learn it, even billboards,

can create a substantial side business which will grow into

full-time, profitable work for you.

* Telephone Answering Service

Many small businesses are one or two person shops who have

no one but an answering machine to pick up calls should

they have to leave the premises. There is a great amount

of business lost as a result; business which can cost the

firm thousands of dollars as someone hangs up when they

can't reach a human voice and dials another number where

they can. As an answering service, you can be that human

voice at the other end. Even if you are just taking the

message, people have confidence when they can talk to a

person in a service-oriented business. If you can add a

couple of lines to your existing home phone system, you're

in business. A few clients and you'll be taking messages

generally just during the day. There are organizations who

look for answering services to be on later call for product

ordering and similar tasks. This can be a very profitable

venture -- just for talking on the phone!

* Writer

There are a number of chances to obtain work doing

opywriting. The written word is still very much in demand

and you can attract a substantial amount of business in

this area from smaller firms -- even just for their basic

correspondence. Distressingly, people don't possess the

same writing skills as they did en masse a few years ago

and hence could use the assistance. The better a letter or

document or brochure is crafted, the more likely the

business will do well. This means work for writers in all

phases of industry. A computer at home can be all the

overhead you'll need.


Home-based businesses are the chances of a lifetime for

many of us. It's the opportunity to be your own boss.

This is not work without risk. Knowledge of how to run a

business is critical. For that reason, consider contacting

one of these Small Business Development Centers for help in

breaking out on your own -- and the information every

employer needed to know. That's right! You're a bona-fide

employer now!

Dallas: 8625 King George Drive, Dallas, TX. 75235-3391

(214) 767-7633

Kansas City: 911 Walnut Street, 13th Floor, Kansas City,

MO. 64106 (816) 426- 3608

Denver: 999 18th Street, Suite 701, Denver, CO. 80202

(303) 294-7186

San Francisco: 71 Stevenson St. San Francisco, CA. 94105

(415) 744-6402

Seattle: 2615 4th Avenue, Rm. 440, Seattle, WA. 98121

(206) 553-5676

Boston: 155 Federal Street, 9th Floor, Boston, MA. 02110

(617) 451-2023

New York: 26 Federal Plaza, Rm. 31-08, New York, NY 10278

(212) 264-1450

Pennsylvania: 475 Allendale Rd. #201, King of Prussia, PA.

19406 (215) 962- 3700

Atlanta: 1375 Peachtree St. NE, 5th Floor, Atlanta, GA.

30367 (404) 347-2797

Chicago: 300 S. Riverside Plaza Suite 1975 South, Chicago,

IL. 60606 (312) 353-5000

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