Friday, December 7, 2007



If you really want to do something

you will always find a way.

But if you don't want to do it,

you will find execuses.

The easiest way to combat fear is by not using excuses.

Instead, you need to look for positive approaches to

accomplish your goal. If you want to start a business,

attend a meeting at the Better Business Bureau. Read some

national magazines like "Income Opportunities" or "Spare

Time." Start reading the business section of your

newspaper. Gather some ideas and do a little reading before

actually jumping into a business. Surely you can find some

spare time to read.

Also, begin associating yourself with people who are in

their own business already. If you're afraid to go out and

make new friends, attend local business-related seminars in

your community. Start watching television shows that are

related to business. You'll eventually find people to

associate with who know others and you'll be the part of a

new crowd - the motivating ones!

FEAR is always your enemy. Look at it this way: If you

never try, FEAR wins by 100%. However, if you do try, FEAR

only has a chance of winning by 50%. If you needed a place

to live and only had $10 to your name would you allow FEAR

to win and make you homeless? No, most of us would find a

job or borrow the money to have a roof over our heads! FEAR

is the root of failure, depression and lifelong problems.

Are you going to let FEAR ruin your life?

FEAR also will cause you to lose out on many other things

in life. If you FEAR the boss at work is going to fire you

it will naturally be on your mind day in and day out. It

will eventually wear you down and you will begin making

mistakes on the job. You will also get depressed

and build up resentments that may have never been there in

the first place.

Facing FEAR head on is the best way to combat it. If you

think the boss is going to fire you go up and ask him. It

takes guts, but isn't it better than putting yourself

through many months of agonizing torture? Are you full of

so much FEAR to even ask him because you think it will

trigger him to say "yes" when he might not have been

considering it at all? Believe me asking a boss "if" they

are thinking about firing you will put you in no different

position than you are now. In fact it will have the

opposite effect. The boss will more than likely respect you

for your candidness and ability to face FEAR head-on.

Is FEAR holding you back from a lot of things? Are you

afraid to confront people and tell them how you really

feel? Do you smile in their face and talk about them behind

their back? What's so hard about being truthful but using

tact? Doesn't it get rid of FEAR and solve many problems?

Complaining is also an act that emotionally drains you and

goes hand-in-hand with FEAR. In fact, FEAR is normally the

root of any complaint.

People don't want to admit their FEAR so they will complain

to release some tension. This is a crazy merry-go-round!

Instead of complaining, try to find ways to solve the


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